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"our most vulnerable" is a TikTok video posted by capwithoutacountry on 8 August 2021.


Response to @thatsmadamtoyou: "May I ask where you get your statistics? In a completely respectful way."

"Absolutely, and I will let you know that those numbers have adjusted slightly to one in about 545 Americans since I posted that comment. I found the total US population of about 332.6-million Americans on the United States Census website; I then found that there have been 35.2-million confirmed COVID-19 cases and 610,000 deaths in the United States on the World Health Organization's website. 332.6-million Americans divided by 610,000 deaths comes out to one in 545 Americans. But using this data, we can now make a projection: according to the Centers for Disease Control's website almost 195-million AMericans have had at least one dose of a vaccine, leaving 138-million fully unvaccinated Americans. So if the Delta variant affects the unvaccinated population only as as badly as previous variants affected the rest of the population, it will result in another quarter-million American deaths from amongst our most vulnerable populations."
